New schnauzer litter born on 22/04/2024
Black King Ferre Blue Bricassart x Miloe von der Isselquelle

Reunion litter of 2022
The Rottweiler is a breed that we have in our hearts. They need a proper education and are very loyal to their owners. They are fair and just. Our dogs grew up in a loving family environment and learned to interact with children.
I myself remained active in the dogsport till 2016.
We moved to a new home and were longing for a more quiet life. In Germany we got to know the Minischnauzer and were immediately in love with the breed.
We bought our first female miniature schnauzer in 2020 in Germany.
For our puppies we search for loving owners who will make the minischnauzer their trusted ally with the same amount of passion.
Miloe Von der Isselquelle

My first Rottweiler that I bought in 1994 was a female, Shelby. Being a breed that requires a good education and witch I was not yet familiar with, we went to attend classes in a dog training school. I became passionate about the obedience and Shelby and I played, after obtaining certification and program 1, numerous competitions. I became even more involved and gained my Instructor certification.
When purchasing my second Rottweiler I came into contact with the IPO program. Benno vom Schloss Hexental got his IPO 3 and numerous titles. He was selected three times to participate in the world championship in 2006, 2007 and 2009. Meanwhile, we also had a female, Ferrari, who was very driven and loyal.
In April 2008 we had our first litter of nine healthy puppies who all got a good new owner. Afterwards, they had two beautiful litters.

Jupi Vom Haus Minzenwald.